It'll Take Years (Or Hundreds Of Dollars) To Convert All Your Destiny 2 Armor With Its New Transmog System

Destiny 2’s transmog system has elements you can earn for free or pay for with premium currency, but limitations on what you can get in-game already have some players upset. As a few have already pointed out on Twitter and Reddit, the limitations on currency you can earn in-game for free means that converting your stock of armor into “ornaments” that can be applied to other armor–Bungie’s new transmogrification system–will take years.

The details on transmog were included in a This Week at Bungie blog post, which filled in gaps on the transmogrification system that Bungie has been talking about for a while now. The system allows you to convert any piece of armor you have into a “universal ornament,” which you can then equip to other armor to change its appearance. Essentially, if you like the look of one armor piece but not its stats, you can change it into a cosmetic ornament. Other MMOs have similar systems and allow players a greater degree of customization for their appe…

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